Loving the whole trad game at the moment, its just great to be out at loads of different crags doing lots of different routes, enjoying some really good conditions. Visited the Cowper Stone a week ago and did a few things before going on a sweet soloing mission at the popular end until it got dark.
Yesterday we went over to Higgar, always been keen for this place but never actually got round to going. Pretty windy times up there but after a quick warm up we did The Rasp. Such a great line with fantastic climbing man and was able to use some Cornice skills too! HA! After this I managed to do Bat Out of Hell E5 6a, which is another wicked line straight up the middle of the block, and diffinatly one of my favourite routes.
Then had a couple of tries on Block n Tackle, but couldn't quite work it out, we needz some beta! However we willz be back soon fo show!
Training this week and hoping to get out ont one or two of the days. Keen for some Curbar action next!